"Tightly Knit, Highly Efficient Machine"

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In President John F. Kennedy's (JFK) self-titled speech "The President and the Press" (April 27, 1961), he reveals to the world a "tightly knit, highly efficient machine".  

"For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations."

JFK's words were not rooted in conjecture but, rather, a declaration of truth. In Terror of the Woods: Murky Dismal and the Statist's Utopia we explored the evil character of socialism which is "...by no means identical..to communism but...both belong to the common family of ideologies and spring from a common impulse". In the 50s and 60s, there was a global effort to spread communism worldwide and, we can all agree (well, some of us), communism is evil. The tightly knit, highly efficient machine" (Machine) JFK tried to expose is the same Machine today. It is a consolidation of media ownership owned by just a handful of corporations that give the illusion the individual has options when it comes to their news, cinema, and politicians -- we do not!

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This is precisely why we cannot conjugate as "people" around JFK's proclamation that there is, in fact, a "Machine" spanning around the world.

Terror of the Woods hopes to expose this truth to you so you can begin stepping away from the Machine and, instead, do your own research and reveal the truth.

The Machine has silenced and altered our subconscious mind by populating it with projections through the cinema, mainstream media, and politics (the "entertainment industry") the Machine declares worthy. We take these projections as facts and fail to form our own conclusions through experience and research.  

Whoever controls the media, controls the mind - Jim Morrison

In the 2010 film, Inception, the main characters use an individual's dream to hijack their subconscious and plant seeds of deception. By building the dreamer's world, referred to as an "architect", the dreamer's mind fills in the blanks with projections (i.e., people, places, and things) making it easy to break in and steal or alter their conscious actions outside of the dream.

At one point in the film, the architect is "changing things" too rapidly, and therefore, the dreamer's subconscious feels that someone else is creating the world. The more you change things, the quicker the dreamer's projections converge on you.  The projections feel the foreign nature of the dreamer, and attack like white blood cells fighting an infection.

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We do not control our subconscious and constantly changing things will put our subconscious in a state of anxiety and fear. Nevertheless, the subconscious of many individuals around the world has been activated as our perception of the world has changed through our own research and the disbelief in the projections handed to us by the entertainment industry a.k.a. the Machine. 

This plan has left many individuals feeling uneasy and frightened. Fear is, first and foremost, a survival mechanism. When the senses detect a source of stress that might pose a threat, the brain activates a cascade of reactions that prime us either to battle for our lives or to escape as quickly as possible.  

The Machine has done a masterful job at altering the subconscious and therefore activating it. There is one thing they have not been able to control, the human element to seek the truth. Once you see the truth, you cannot ever unsee it. The subconscious thought has moved to the conscious ability through the Machine's expedited plan. Curiosity by Terror of the Woods leaves you with this question...

Have you noticed a rapidly changing world since COVID-19 and, if so, could this be from a tightly knit, highly efficient machine?

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Ever-Emerging and Pathetic Proclamation


Melancholia and the Great Awakening