Ever-Emerging and Pathetic Proclamation

The United States Constitution makes no mention of "democracy" -- read it, I dare you!

So, why do we consistently hear politicians and the mainstream media tout, '[insert the issue of the day] is a threat/danger to "our democracy"?

A couple of recent examples come to mind...

  • During the second impeachment trial of Donald Trump, House managers presented their case for conviction by repeatedly insisting Mr. Trump is a "threat to our democracy."

  • Just last month (May 2021), United States Attorney General, Merrick Garland, indicated the Justice Department was prioritizing prosecutions related to the siege of the Capitol over those tied to last summer’s riots because of the events of Jan. 6 were “the most dangerous threat to our democracy.”

  • Today (June 2021) in a tweet President Joe Biden proclaimed "[W]e’re witnessing an all-out assault on our democracy — and we need to act swiftly to protect the sacred right to vote. We need the For the People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act."

  • In early 2018, "a video compilation proving that countless local news networks read the same exact scripts around the United States went viral. The video exposed an uncanny mockingbird media, a.k.a mainstream media, in sync with a very pronounced last passage: "This is extremely dangerous to our democracy."

Terror of the Woods has an endless supply of examples like the ones above. But, proving and highlighting the overuse of this phrase by the mockingbird media and countless politicians is not the point we wish to make in this edition of Resource.

Instead, we wish to restore the reality that the United States is a "constitutional republic" and expose the truth about "our [emphasis added] democracy."

Democracy is an essentially contested concept. What is one man's democracy is another's deprivation of freedom. But what is "our democracy" as popularized by the mockingbird media and various politicians?

Henninger, the deputy editor of The Wall Street Journal's editorial page, reveals this rapidly emerging "...phrase among progressives as a routine term of political art. The word “our” implies another of progressivism’s modern virtues, inclusion." He goes on professing, "[W]hen progressives refer to “our democracy,” what they mean is their democracy. To be a member of their democracy, one has to share their beliefs. If you’re not in, you’re out. And if you’re out, they may come after you for being a threat to democracy. Other than carbon emissions, what could be worse?"

The saddest piece to this ever-emerging and pathetic proclamation is the fact that most Americans don't know we have a "constitutional republic" and not a "democracy" -- definitely not an "our democracy." In fact, all of these ideals are starkly different from one another.

We can go further into the dangers of Henniger's illuminated exposure of the overuse and misuse of the phrase"our democracy" but the most important thing we must do is reject the notion we have a democracy, to begin with, and understand the destruction that follows if we continue to accept this false narrative.

The word "democracy" is derived from the Greek noun "demos", meaning "people", and the verb "kratein", which means "to rule". This is most often translated into "majority rule" or "mob rule". Conversely, "republic" derives from the Latin "res publica" which literally means "the public thing" or "public business", considering all public and not a fraction of it -- the "majority". In short, democracy does not balance power and instead leaves it in the hands of the majority without consideration of the minority.

There are profound differences between a democracy and a constitutional republic that are crucial to every aspect of American life and we must defend it.

Benjamin Franklin identified that in a democracy, the majority has the right to take away the rights of the minority simply by being the majority.

Thomas Jefferson said, “The republican ("republican" was used in reference to "republic" in the Jeffersonian era, not to be confused as the "republican party") is the only form of government which is not eternally at open or secret war with the rights of mankind.” He, like many of our founding fathers, recognized the secret war that occurs under a democracy, is a war for power and control. Furthermore, Plato said it best, “Dictatorship naturally arises out of democracy.”

So, why is the mockingbird media and progressive politician's narrative so hell-bent on falsely identifying our "constitutional republic" as a "democracy"? Terror of the Woods believes this quote by John Adams gives you more than you need to answer this question yourself:

“Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide.” -- John Adams

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