You’ll own nothing. Any you’ll be happy.

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In April 2017, the World Economic Forum (WEF) published a video on YouTube titled 8 predictions for the world in 2030 (video at the end). In the roughly 1.5 minute video, the WEF kicks off their predictions beginning with "You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy. What you want you’ll rent, and it’ll be delivered by drone.”

It wasn't until late-2020, early-2021, when "conspiracy theorists" began circulating the WEF video on social media platforms identifying its dystopic features to remove private property from individuals.

To further demonstrate their concept, the WEF published, Agenda 2030 which is a set of Sustainable Development Goals devised in 2015 at the United Nations General Assembly.

Specifically, Goal 1.4 of Agenda 2030 states:

“By 2030, ensure that all men and women, in particular the poor and the vulnerable, have equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to basic services, OWNERSHIP AND CONTROL OVER LAND AND OTHER FORMS OF PROPERTY [emphasis added], inheritance, natural resources, appropriate new technology and financial services, including microfinance."


"From a socialist viewpoint, in fact, private property is the source of the class divisions that place some people in positions of power and privilege while condemning others to poverty and powerlessness....This means that society as a whole, and not private individuals, should own and control property for the benefit of all" [emphasis added] (Ball & Dagger, 2006).

Sounds eerily identical to Goal 1.4 in Agenda 2030 as emphasized above. It also brings a whole new meaning to the WEF video stating "You'll own nothing. And you'll be happy. What you want you’ll rent, and it’ll be delivered by drone,” does it not?

Fact-Checkers at Reuters, an international news organization owned by Thomson Reuters, claimed to debunk the accusation by "conspiracy theorists" that the WEF has plans to remove private property from individuals claiming "[I]n the past, false claims about the WEF have been conflated with conspiracy theories about the United Nation’s ‘Agenda 30’ framework....[T]hey (the Goals of Agenda 2030) are freely available on government websites and outline objectives like ending poverty, which includes the goal making property ownership available to all.”

However, what they fail to understand is the WEF's definition of ownership and control of property has a special meaning for the socialist (Ball & Dagger, 2006) that is starkly different than the American dreamer's individual property rights.

The Reuters Fact-Checkers double down further debunking the "conspiracy theory" by claiming: "[T]he WEF does not have a ‘stated goal’ to remove everyone’s private property by 2030."

Now, what does "remove everyone's private property by 2030." really mean?

Just in the last few months, there has been an uptick in huge asset management firms worth trillions of dollars like BlackRock, Lloyds Bank, and Goldman Sachs quietly buying up single-family homes as quickly as they can at rates higher than the average homebuyer is willing to pay.

What do we think they will be doing with these homes considering they have bought them at a higher than the average rate to guarantee a return on their investment? The answer is, they plan to rent them out to former property owners, and "You'll own nothing. And you'll be happy.”

When you juxtapose this truth with the cleverly crafted Goal 1.4 from Agenda 2030 and the illustration of socialism provided by Ball & Dagger (2006), it becomes clear what the plan is for these investment companies. Now, your potentially lower to middle-class homeowner will be positioned as a permanent renter. There is no longer owning private property as a sign of financial success from the fruits of your labor and therefore, no future upward mobility.

Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock, serves as a member of the Board of Trustees of the WEF and is a major attributor to Agenda 2030. BlackRock continues to buy every single-family house they can find, paying 20-50% above the asking price and outbidding normal home buyers.

Sure, they can't possibly remove or take private property from an individual, however, they can buy it and with major investment players like BlackRock, they can rent it back to the people and build on its investment rather than selling it to an individual buyer. So yes, Reuters, there is a plan that "You'll own nothing" however, You will NOT be happy.

The so-called Reuter Fact-Checkers clearly never studied political ideologies and such as socialism and communism. German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel is considered one of the most important figures in German idealism. Hegel introduced the master-slave dialectic (a method of argumentation) that promotes human freedom by imagining the kind of conflict that might develop between a master and slave.

"The master becomes a master by physically conquering another, who he then enslaves. At first, the slave is grateful for having his life spared and fearful that the master might yet take it from him. He sees himself through his master's eyes as degraded, and dependent. The master, likewise, sees himself through the slave's eyes as superior, ennobled, and independent. Yet each other needs the other to be what he is: the master must have a slave if he is to be master, and the slave must have a master in order to be a slave. But their relationship is unstable. The slave changes under his chains and dreams of freedom. He longs to lose his identity as a slave and to take on his identity as a free human being."

Because the master needs the slave to acknowledge him as the master this is one thing the slave can refuse to give the master and compel him to do so despite torturing the slave into submission. If the slave does not give in, the chains on both the slave and master break free once they both recognize these social roles are dissolved, and the only thing remaining are their common humanity.

In a previous edition of Exposed by Terror of the Woods, The Great Reset, we introduced Klaus Schwab, founder, and CEO of the WEF who is promoting an attempt to flood the world with socialism through his "Great Reset" being adopted in many countries. Might this repurposing of private property into permanent rentals be part of the master plan to reset the world?

Agenda 2030 framework outlines an aim to ensure all people have access to ownership and control over land and other forms of property. But don't let this fool you, their meaning of ownership and control over land is not what the slave has in mind when he thinks "freedom". It is the master's concept of being a dictator.

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