Unprecedented Times Followed by Totalitarianism

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How many times have you heard “we are in unprecedented times.” This free thinker has come to the conclusion this is the slogan for totalitarianism.

"For totalitarianism is the attempt to take complete control of a society -- not just its government but all of its social, cultural, and economic institutions -- in order to fulfill an ideological vision of how society ought to be organized life ought to be lived" (Francisco Goya)

This slogan, as it were, is not a new phrase. Its origins did not spawn out of the COVID-19 pandemic to help people cope, however, it is most prolific at this time.

First, please consider every time you have heard this in the past. What was the, "said", unprecedented time? Was it a terrorist attack? Or maybe multiple school shootings in a single month? Maybe it was the eruption of a housing bubble?

Second, consider what law or governmental overreach was enacted in the wake of this unprecedented time? I will tell you, it was a new tyrannical rule not authorized by law or justice and promoted by totalitarian advocates that endorse no individual freedom.

A blatant overreach by the government and an erosion of our freedom.

So let’s consider how this happens by deconstructing this phrase, "unprecedented times." "Unprecedented", simply means having no precedent. Then what is a “precedent”? It is an act that may be used as an example in dealing with subsequent similar instances.

Hmm, are you starting to see something here?

Consider the Patriot Act passed by Congress in response to the September 11 attacks. We can undeniably say, after this day in America, we were in an "unprecedented time" which made it easier for Congress to sell the public the legislative package cleverly disguised with a name "Patriot", to keep any naysayers at bay.

Supporters contended the Patriot Act was required to prevent further catastrophes.

Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-KY., said in Congress in April 2004 that “the biggest hero to emerge from the hearings before the 9/11 Commission has been the Patriot Act.”

In March 2006, President George W. Bush credited the Patriot Act with helping “break up terror cells in Ohio, New York, Oregon, and Virginia.”

“We’ve stopped 28 terrorist attacks since 9/11,” said James Carafano, a homeland security expert at the Heritage Foundation, four years later. “The Patriot Act has been a big part of that.”

However, Section 215 of the Act intrudes deeply on fundamental First Amendment rights. The ACLU filed a lawsuit in July 2003 on behalf of six groups, several of which provide some form of support to Muslims in America, challenging Section 215 of the Patriot Act. In Muslim Community Association of Ann Arbor v. Ashcroft, the plaintiffs contended that Section 215 violates the First Amendment.

Essentially, the Patriot Act watered down the robust FISA warrant process to a rubber-stamp approval by a FISA court judge or U.S. magistrate judge to spy on an American citizen and not just foreign terrorists.

Today, we can reflect on the FISA abuse under then-President Obama's Administration during Crossfire Hurricane or, as the mocking bird media would say, the Trump Campaign and Russian Collusion story, where a FISA warrant was issued using a fake dossier (the "Steele dossier"), that prompted the Russia investigation into the activities of the Trump Campaign and the false arrest of Carter Page.

As recent as January 2021, Senator Lindsey Graham R-NC, Chair of the Senate Committee on Judiciary, published on the Senate Committee website all the transcripts proving that the FBI lied to the FISA courts using the fake Steele dossier, and as a result, Lindsey Graham,

“...believe[s] that Crossfire Hurricane was one of the most incompetent and corrupt investigations in the history of the FBI and DOJ. The FISA court was lied to. Exculpatory information was withheld on those being investigated. The investigators, with some notable exceptions, were incredibly biased and used the powers of law enforcement for political purposes. The subjects of the investigation had their lives turned upside down. It is my hope that counterintelligence investigations will be reined in and this never happens again in America."

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Another example, for those of us awake anyway, is the abuse of our children who are the least likely to be impacted directly by COVID-19, per the CDC. They have statically low chances of contracting the virus, but most of all, they have an even lower chance of getting violently sick from it. Even the CDC shows children, ages 0-14, have a recovery rate of 99.9%.

However, as we have seen in school districts throughout the country, schools have either been shut down or have had anti-science mandates such as face coverings and/or COVID-19 vaccination requirements. It also never fails, they will console the recipients of this blatant overreach, that the school board, superintendent, or whoever are only doing these things because we are in, yup you guessed it, “unprecedented times”.

Whether or not you believe this to be unprecedented, what these individuals are really doing is setting the precedent and a dangerous one at that. The precedent is to refuse a venue of education, cover our children’s faces, and subject them to isolation.

Oh, but it is ok if we subject everyone to these inhumane actions because we are protecting you.

Are you starting to see the connection?

The next time you get an email or call from your local politician, your boss, or maybe a friend, if they say we are in “unprecedented times” be weary of their message. It is most likely a way to get you to submit and inch us closer to the end of individual liberty.

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Inept & Grotesque Understanding of the U.S. Constitution


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