Motherly and Fatherly Domestic Terrorism


In 2001, the United States Congress passed and then-President George W. Bush signed into law the USA PATRIOT ACT which stands for “UNITING AND STRENGTHENING AMERICA BY PROVIDING APPROPRIATE TOOLS REQUIRED TO INTERCEPT AND OBSTRUCT TERRORISM ACT” (“Act”).

This mostly bipartisan effort was celebrated by Republicans and Democrats which was enacted following the 9/11 Attacks in 2001 with the stated goal of dramatically tightening U.S. national security.

However, opponents of the Act have criticized its provision for gross overreach by the U.S. government to search your home or business without consent or knowledge by law enforcement and allowing the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to search telephone, email, and financial records without a court order if you fall under the definition of having committed terrorism.

Additionally, the Act expanded the definition of “terrorism” to include a new type of “domestic” unlawful violence, as opposed to exclusively “international”, terrorism.   

Title 18 U.S. Code § 2331 defines “domestic terrorism” as:

  • activities that involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;

  • appear to be intended

    • to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;

    • to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or

    • to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and

  • occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.

According to the ACLU, “[t]he definition of domestic terrorism is broad enough to encompass the activities of several prominent activist campaigns and organizations. Greenpeace, Operation Rescue, Vieques Island and WTO protesters and the Environmental Liberation Front have all recently engaged in activities that could subject them to being investigated as engaging in domestic terrorism.”

While the ACLU does “…not oppose criminal prosecution of people who violate the law, even if they are doing it for political purposes….[they]do oppose the broad definition of terrorism and the ensuing authority that flows from that definition.”


To further illustrate this slippery slope that the ACLU presents above, on September 29, 2021, The National School Board Association (NSBA) sent a letter to President Biden encouraging his administration to deploy the FBI and Department of Justice (“DOJ”) to target parents as domestic terrorists who have been growing in numbers to participate in open meeting debate at their local school board meetings.

This growing number of PATRIOTIC and very vocal parents have been fighting against mask mandates, critical race theory, transgender LGBTQ equal rights — just to name a few.

“[T]he classification of these heinous actions could be the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes,” read the letter, which went on to ask the administration to “examine appropriate enforceable actions” under a raft of legislation — including the Act.

The letter included examples of what they classify as domestic terrorism. Citing “…threatening hate mail that stated ‘[W]e are coming after you and all the members on the … BoE [Board of Education]…..You are forcing…[children]…to wear mask—for no reason in this world other than control. And for that you will pay dearly.’”

The so-called “hate mail” “…calls the school board member a ‘filthy traitor,’ implies loss of pension funds, and labels the school board as Marxist.”

“These threats and acts of violence are affecting our nation’s democracy at the very foundational levels…causing school board members…to resign immediately and/or discontinue their service after their respective terms.”

What the NSBA fails to see here is this IS democracy WORKING and the so-called “hate mail” is a feature of democracy not of domestic terrorism pursuant to the Act.

Elected or appointed officials “are supposed to have the same concerns at stake which those have who appointed them, and who will act in the same manner as the whole body would act were they present. So as to limit the chances that the elected might never form to themselves an interest separate from the electors…” (Common Sense, 1776).

Five days later (October 4, 2021), Merrick Garland, US Attorney General, gave them exactly what they wanted in a memorandum to the FBI to investigate the parents.

In the press release, the DOJ cites “…an increase in harassment, intimidation and threats of violence against school board members, teachers and workers in our nation’s public schools, today Attorney General Merrick B. Garland directed the FBI and U.S. Attorneys’ Offices to meet in the next 30 days with federal, state, Tribal, territorial and local law enforcement leaders to discuss strategies for addressing this disturbing trend.”

They go on to state, “[T]hese sessions will open dedicated lines of communication for threat reporting, assessment and response by law enforcement.” 

They even provided the FBI’s National Threat Operations Center (NTOC) via its national tip line (1-800-CALL-FBI) and online portal for “[T]hreats of violence against school board members, officials, and workers in our nation’s public schools…[to be]…reported by the public.

“Reporting threats of violence through NTOC will help the federal government identify increased threats in specific jurisdictions as well as coordinated widespread efforts to intimidate educators and education workers.”


How ironic is it that these PATRIOTIC parents who most likely supported the passage of the PATRIOT ACT now meet the definition of a “domestic terrorist” according to their very own local school boards, President, DOJ and FBI.

This is where the slippery slopes really begins to “Slip ‘N Slide”!

In the September 29, 2021 letter, the NSBA provides another example of a domestic terrorist to include “an individual [in Virginia who] was arrested…during a school board meeting discussion distinguishing current curricula from critical race theory and regarding equity issues.” They provide a article (pg. 4, citation 13; image to the right) to further support their claims as a reference.

This Virginian “individual'“ was Scott Smith, who, in June (2021), was dragged from the Loudoun County School Board meeting with a bloody lip and in handcuffs, and later found guilty of disorderly conduct and resisting arrest in August (2021). His arrest “came as tempers flared at the June School Board meeting, egged on by protests against new state-mandated protections for transgender students.”

FUN FACT…June also just happened to be LGBTQ+ Pride Month which President Biden declared in 2021.

What the NSBA failed to mention in their letter is that Scott’s 15-year-old daughter was raped in a bathroom by a boy wearing girls' clothes in May. As punishment by the school, the boy was transferred to another school where he raped another girl. Since then the boy has been charged with sexual battery and abduction at another area high school.

At the time, “the Loudoun county school board covered it up because it would interfere with their transgender policy during pride month.” (Senator Tom Cotton, 2021)

This father was dragged out of a school board meeting by police, arrested, found guilty of disorderly conduct and derided as a bigot on social media.

Meanwhile the Loudoun County School Board members where exposed to “hate-mail”, called traitors and threatened to potentially be removed from office.

How pathetic!


In a recent interview on "The Ingraham Angle" “after months of self-described ‘silence’ since he was pulled out of…the…school board meeting, Scott said "I am good with gay people and cross-gender people – anybody who wants to be a good American, I am good with – I went there to find out why our children were not safe," he said. "The next thing I know, another parent-activist approached my wife and starting antagonizing her, and I turned around and said stop."

Again, the definition of ”domestic terrorism” is to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping.

So, who is the “domestic terrorist”?

  1. The juvenile boy who has been charged with sexual battery and abduction;

  2. The law enforcement who arrested the father of a rape victim for disorderly conduct; or

  3. The school board who influenced the policy of the government and choose to uphold LGBTQ+ Pride Month instead of the voice of a concerned parent.

Maybe it is President Biden, Merrick Garland, and FBI who are actively looking to prosecute you under the PATRIOT ACT as unlawful terrorists?


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Comirnaty & The Legal Conundrum